Project Sponsor : Supported by NASA Exobiology awards 80NSSC18K1088 and 80NSSC20K0849 (Pontefract).
Start Date : 01/2021
Faculty Investigator : Alexandra Pontefract (Georgetown/APL); Prof. Christopher E. Carr (Co-I)
Project Status : Awaiting transfer of award
Team: Alexandra Pontefract (PI), Magdalena Osburn (Co-I), Chris Carr (Co-I), Mitchell Barklage (Collaborator), Jacob Buffo (Collaborator), Shuhei Ono (Collaborator), Virginia Walker (Collaborator), Jack Szostak (Collaborator)
This research focuses on developing a comprehensive understanding of a hypersaline, Mars analog environment, addressing the central question: “What types of biosignatures form and are preserved over time?” We are addressing this question specifically in a magnesium sulfate dominated system as sulfate salts have been widely documented on Mars, but are not the dominant type here on Earth. The field site is located in and around Clinton, British Columbia, Canada. Currently our team is working on the Basque Lakes, Last Chance Lake and Salt Lake.
For more information see’s site.
Pontefract A, Zhu TF, Walker VK, Rowedder H, Lui C, Zuber MT, Ruvkun G, Carr CE. Microbial Diversity in a Hypersaline Sulfate Lake: An Analog of Ancient Mars. Frontiers in Microbiology, 26 Sept 2017 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01819 PMID 29018418 OpenAccess
Pontefract AJ, Nichols F, Osborne MR, Carr CE. Habitability and Biosignature Preservation in a Sulfate Brine: Lessons from the “Spotted” Lakes. GSA Connects 2021, 10-13 October, Portland, Oregon, 2021;
Pontefract AJ, Carr CE, Osburn, MR. The Role of Ionic Composition and Concentration on Biosignature Preservation: Lessons from the “Spotted” Lakes of British Colombia. Astrobiology Science Conference, June 24-28, 2019. Abstract + Talk.
Osburn MR, Dion-Kirschner H, Carr CE, Pontefract AJ. Organic Biosignatures of Mars Analog Sulfate-Dominated Hypersaline Lakes. Astrobiology Science Conference, June 24-28, 2019. Abstract + Talk.
A. Pontefract, J. Hachey, A. Mojarro, V. K. Walker, H. Rowedder, T. F. Zhu, C. Lui, M. T. Zuber, G. Ruvkun, C. E. Carr. Understanding Habitability and Biosignature Preservation in a Hypersaline Mars Analog Environment: Lessons from Spotted Lake. Lunar & Planetary Sci XLVIII, The Woodlands, Texzas, March 21-25, 2017. Abstract # 1124