Project Sponsor : Supported by NASA Exobiology awards 80NSSC19K0469 (MIT) and 80NSSC22K0189 (Georgia Tech) to C.E.C.
Start Date : 01/2022
Faculty Investigator : Dr. Christopher E. Carr
Collaborators: Co-Is: Dr. Rachel A. Moore (Georgia Tech), Alexandra Pontefract (APL), Ralf Moeller (DLR), Jens Boy (Hannover University), Armando Azua-Bustos (Center of Astrobiology, CSIC). Collaborators: Diana Boy (Hannover University).
Our project integrates a natural experiment —aridity transects in the Atacama Desert, Chile—and lab-based characterization to investigate the mechanisms through which organisms adapt to aridity (see figure) and attempt to disentangle the noted association of xerotolerance with IR resistance. We propose to build on prior systematic sampling along variable aridity transects in the Atacama, including extensive prior characterization of soil parameters, ribosomal (16S) community characterization, and cultivation work. First (1a), we propose to provide a comprehensive view of microbial community structure, function, and activity along these transects. Second (1b), we will confirm aridity-associated responses and in situ activity via a focused field study. We will (2a) refine mechanisms of xerotolerance using isolate studies and (2b) disentangle xerotolerance and IR resistance, integrating genomic, transcriptomic, physical, chemical, and physiological responses.